




The analytically strong procurement professionals of Kloepfel Consulting Benelux specialise in direct material procurement in various industries in the Benelux.

Een leveranciersconventie is een bewezen succesvolle methode om in korte tijd maximaal resultaat te behalen. Voor zo’n conventie nodigen we uw belangrijkste leveranciers uit en onderhandelen we over langetermijnbesparingen. Dankzij een gedegen, op feiten gebaseerde voorbereiding kunnen we steeds extra stappen zetten om de commerciële voorwaarden met bestaande leveranciers te optimaliseren. Samen met u vormen we zo een optimaal en deskundig onderhandelingsteam om het gesprek met leveranciers aan te gaan.

PRICE DEFENCE: understand, negotiate, and control</span><span id="test" class="kool-class" style="color: #f90;" fs-test-element="test">.</span>

Your partner for fair price increases

In most companies, price increases have become part of the daily tasks of every purchasing professional. This is due to rising commodity prices, exploding energy prices, the unstable geopolitical situation and staff shortages. But do you have to accept any price indexation from the supplier? How do you know if it's a fair offer? What can you do with this increase? And more importantly, who is going to address this situation?

The question is which price increase is reasonable? You need to understand the facts before the increase can be aligned with the base line and historical price movements. Determining the most important categories is part of the analysis to gain insight into the cost distribution of the product. Based on these priorities, the market situation should be analysed in order to achieve a fair level of indexation — by category. Using an index can help a lot in this case.

Kloepfel Benelux has a method to help customers facing this situation by better understanding the baseline, indexes, historical price movements and cost distribution of your product. For more information, please contact us.

via info.benelux@kloepfel-group.com or +31612261596

July 9, 2024
2 minutes


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